Wednesday, August 28, 2013

[text] Syria, emerging-market crisis will stop the taper - Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

"The script was all set for the rest of the 2013. Come the autumn, the Federal Reserve would slowly start to unwind the quantitative easing that has been pumping fresh money into the markets. Bond yields would start to slowly rise. The economy might stutter, but it would prove strong enough to take that in its stride — and slowly monetary policy would begin getting back to normal.The trouble is, the story is not working out the way it was meant to. Already the threat of an end to QE in the U.S. had started to create a crisis in the emerging markets. Now the threat of military action in Syria will intensify the downward spiral. That is going to spread to Europe next. It is already lapping at the shores of the continent’s peripheral countries."

by InformedTrades via InformedTrades

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